A Four-Letter Word You Must Not Say at Oral Argument

Timothy Kowal, Esq.
June 3, 2021

Counsel: ...and plaintiff's ability to enforce recruh‘s closure and endangerment standards.
Judge Easterbrook: The plaintiffs ability to enforce what?
Counsel: Recruh's closure....
Judge Easterbrook: Could you use English words, please?
Counsel: Yes, Your Honor. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
Judge Easterbrook: You will find that we are generalists rather than specialists, and using jargon works only with specialists. It does not take real well with generalists.

Takeaway: If there is anything in your oral argument that you would write in all caps, cut it out.

Link to oral argument: http://media.ca7.uscourts.gov/sound/external/ds.20-3434.20-3434_05_26_2021.mp3