TVA has obtained the largest known trespass verdict in the state of California. No other attorneys have the skillset and dedication to enforce trespass and property dispute claims as the attorneys at TVA do.
There are over 6,500 miles of oil and gas pipelines under California soil, most of them poorly documented. Landowners and developers often find pipelines on their property without a good easement. When they do, they may have an opportunity to disgorge the operator's entire profits.
Surprisingly, few attorneys are aware of this. Oil and gas operators seem oblivious as well, even though their lobbyists, urging against the disgorgement statute in the legislature in the early '90s, acknowledged, "our exposure could be very significant."
At Thomas Vogele & Associates, APC, our trial attorneys serve landowners in hydrocarbon-dense areas of California, including the Long Beach area, Huntington Beach in Orange County, and Kern County, in complex property dispute matters. TVA attorneys secured a rare mandatory federal injunction ordering energy companies to remove pipelines, preventing irreparable damage to TVA's clients.
TVA partner Timothy Kowal has published on the problems associated with wild pipelines that extend beyond their allotted boundaries. Mr. Kowal is frequently asked by bar associations to share his specialized understanding of this practice area with other attorneys. See Timothy Kowal's recent article in the OC Lawyer " Dirty Work Disgorging the Profits of Trespassing Pipelines."
Homeowners, HOAs, and owners of farm land are also likely to come across disputes relating to property boundaries, easements, utility lines both above the ground and beneath, trees and other visibility obstructions, noise and odor abatement, and other nuisance and trespass issues. An attorney who knows the special rights the law affords against efficient trespassers and agricultural trespassers can help you identify your maximum leverage to resolve disputes quickly.
Whether your property is commercial, agricultural, or residential, our skilled trial lawyers will identify the most effective course of action to pursue regarding complex property claims, including:
Our legal professionals have advocated for our clients' interests in zoning appeals and federal courts. We are licensed to practice throughout California in lower and higher courts. Our success in and out of court is well-documented and one reason for high client satisfaction and rate of referrals.
Learn about your trespass litigation options when you schedule a consultation. Send us an email or call 714-641-1232 to speak with us in Costa Mesa or 831-272-6676 to speak with us in Salinas.